An experienced Oklahoma insurance fraud investigator looking to conduct Oklahoma insurance fraud private investigation effectively must follow certain steps. We review these steps in this how-to guide.
Top private investigation agencies in Oklahoma, like Keefe Private Investigators and those in Moore, OK, usually ensure that their workmen’s compensation fraud investigators, worker’s compensation insurance fraud investigators, and Oklahoma insurance fraud private investigators are well-groomed in this niche.
Insurance fraud is a rampant crime in Oklahoma, and an Oklahoma insurance fraud investigator at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, must be up to the task of providing satisfactory investigative services. Below is how private insurance fraud investigators can go about it.
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How An Oklahoma Insurance Fraud Private Investigator At A Private Investigation Agency in Moore, OK, Can Investigate Oklahoma Insurance Fraud
Investigating insurance fraud in Oklahoma should be seamless if the private investigator at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, follows these steps. They are:
Make Necessary Pre-investigation Preparation
The private investigator at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, looking to carry out an insurance fraud investigation, especially in an area outside Moore, OK, must first inquire about the investigation laws of the area, seek help from local colleagues, and also acquaint himself with the investigation area. After this, inquiring about the person of interest from the probing firm or employer is another necessary step. This information can guide you in the right direction and save you time from having to find them out yourself.
Background Check
This step becomes important to further find supporting evidence that corroborates allegations against the person of interest. The background check will involve reviewing previous employment records, claim history, criminal records, etc.
It may require the private investigator to visit the employee’s previous employers or place of work, check public records, etc. Background checks help the private investigator in Oklahoma at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, know the person of interest better and adjudge them correctly based on the crime.
Ideally, a professional private investigator begins an investigation with an open mind and only decides when evidence or clues discovered corroborates an allegation. Background checks help discover corroborating clues and possible evidence.
Fact-Checking /Corroborate Presented Evidence
Claimants usually present evidence to support their insurance claims. However, these proofs or evidence are usually falsified in insurance fraud cases. It is the duty of the private investigator in Oklahoma at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, to cross-check the presented evidence and ascertain its genuineness.
This is an important step in insurance fraud investigation as it helps expose a false claim faster than other means. Presented evidence may include medical records, bill payment receipts, fake supporting documents, falsified videos, pictorial recordings, etc. The private investigator in Oklahoma City handling such a case will have to fact-check this evidence through various available means to uncover the truth.
Online/Social Media Surveillance
This is another investigation technique a private investigator in OKC at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, can use to burst false insurance claimants. Most people involved in this illegal activity usually slip up by unconsciously making posts that negate their stories. An example of this scenario is having an employee filing a workers comp insurance for a broken arm post a workout picture or video in the gym during a period they are meant to be healing.
Experienced private investigators at reputable private investigation agencies in Oklahoma, like the Keefe Private Investigation (KPI) agency, claim this investigation always comes in handy, as clues are always lying around in the social space of the unsuspecting insurance fraudsters. This clue could be their posts, a post they tagged them on, or even comments. The private investigator in OKC at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, can uncover this clue by actively and subtly monitoring the online activities of the person of interest (POI) and leveraging social media scanning apps to make it easier.
Video Surveillance
This is another investigating technique a private investigator at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, can use to uncover the truth surrounding an insurance fraud. It involves constant monitoring of the suspect’s daily activities and taking visual recordings that can serve as evidence or prove their insurance claims false.
It is one of the most used investigation techniques, especially for high-profile cases that involve large insurance dividends. Evidence from this technique is mostly undisputable, especially if it comes from a reputable private investigator. Video surveillance may also involve trailing at a safe distance.
Witness & Close Relation Interview
This is another important step a private investigator in OKC at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, can use to get clues and uncover the truth concerning insurance fraud. If the witness or close relation accounts do not corroborate the claimant’s story, it’s another concrete evidence of foul play.
The private investigator in Oklahoma City at a private investigation agency in Moore, OK, handling the interview must take the audio and video recording of the interview as a point of reference in the event any of the interviewers try to change their claims. The private investigator should wear a welcoming countenance and approach the interview in a friendly way to make witnesses comfortable speaking the truth.
Personal Interview
Most times, this is usually the last piece of the jigsaw. After the private investigator in OKC handling the insurance fraud, most have gathered much evidence through the abovementioned steps. Personal interviews help them get confessions or slip-ups that can corroborate and confirm the authenticity of the evidence. The person’s interview will include taking the suspect’s account and having them defend certain evidence against them. It should also be recorded in case the suspect wants to make a confession which would be the ultimate end of the investigation and the beginning of prosecution.
Insurance fraud investigation is one of the top cases reputable private investigation agencies in Moore, OK, handle. Private investigators assigned to this case must be well-grounded about the ethics of the case and every other thing involved to ensure satisfactory service delivery. This guide can be a great starting point.