KPI Oklahoma

The Benefits of Therapy Cats for Private Investigators in Oklahoma City


Benefits of Therapy Cats for Private Investigators

Research has shown that cats can effectively act as ESAs (Emotional support animals). This makes the feline companion a wonderful pet to keep at home or in the office. The non-intrusive nature and smaller body size of cats make them a perfect fit for a private investigator in Oklahoma at a private investigation agency in OKC.

Cats play a lot of roles in human life. Therapy cats especially can help reduce mental stress and boost overall mental health. Private investigation in Oklahoma comes with many physical and mental challenges, and therapy cats can help a private investigator in Oklahoma overcome this stress.

A private investigation agency in Oklahoma City can leverage the benefits of therapy cats to increase overall work efficiency in the office.

This article highlights some of the common benefits of therapy cats to a  private investigator in Oklahoma City at a private investigation agency in Oklahoma. We look into them below:

Ways Therapy Cats Helps Private Investigators in Oklahoma City at a Private Investigation Agency in Oklahoma

Therapy cats are cats that help improve individuals’ moods, emotions, and overall mental well-being. Having such cats around private investigation agencies benefits Oklahoma’s private investigators under the agencies.

Below are some of these benefits and how it affect the services of the private investigators in Edmond, Oklahoma, private investigators in Norman, Oklahoma, and private investigators in Oklahoma City in general:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety: Reputable private investigation agencies in OKC like KPI (Keefe’s private investigators) have revealed that therapy cats help their private investigators’ OKC cope with work stress better. Cats have their way of making you feel relaxed after intense work, giving you the break you deserve.

Studies have shown that taking a break from working to play with cats can have more beneficial effects on the private investigator Oklahoma’s mental health than taking a walk. It leaves the PI calmer, more refreshed, and happier than when working.

A private investigator in Oklahoma City may be stressed from lack of headway in a field investigation or trying to get concrete evidence from a special database on his system. Having a therapy cat around may help reduce this accumulated frustration, giving such private investigators a chance to catch a fresher breath.

  • Reduce loneliness — On some occasions, a private investigator in Oklahoma city may find himself alone in the office. Being alone when other private investigators OKC under the private investigation agency Oklahoma he works are on field assignment can be downing on the spirit, leading to less productivity.

However, therapy cats can stand in as the private investigator Oklahoma’s companion, offering a sense of presence with little or no disturbance. Cats require less attention once provided with food and where to litter. Hence, you can benefit from their presence without much interruption with your work.

  • Good listeners — If you’re a private investigator in Norman, Oklahoma, that loves to vent, you’ll find therapy cats beneficial. Venting is a coping mechanism for some private investigators in Oklahoma. They usually need someone to listen to their rants without the person talking back or without the fear of letting too much out. This is where a therapy cat comes in. One of the good traits of these cats is that they’re good listeners. Hence, a private investigator in OKC can leverage this trait to get pressing thoughts out of their mind. This makes them feel burden-free, relaxed, and more clairvoyant about their next line of investigation.
  • Healing Power — Studies believe that a cat’s purring has a healing effect on both humans and cats. The nature of a private investigator in Oklahoma’s job makes them susceptible to lots of bodily harm and bone aches. Listening to a therapy cat purr can help heal these pains faster. A rough day in the life of a private investigator in Oklahoma City doesn’t have to remain so till the day ends. Listening to a cat’s purring brings therapeutic effects and healing.
  • Improves General Well-being and Lifestyle — Pets, in general, are known to encourage playfulness and exercise. Therapy cats don’t fail in this aspect also. It can enhance the general well-being and lifestyle of a private investigator in Oklahoma by improving the private detective’s playfulness, cheerfulness, and fun. It helps the PI maximize non-working time for relaxing and engaging in beneficial health endeavors.
  • Improves Cardiovascular health — Cats are generally known to improve human heart conditions. Thus, a private investigator in Edmond, Oklahoma, can worry less about cardiovascular health with a therapy cat around. Playing and having therapy cats around helps you keep your pulse and blood pressure normal. It leaves you relaxed and eliminates anxieties that can raise these vital signs. This makes therapy cats beneficial.
  • Improves Overall Work Efficiency — Working under a relaxed condition with no stress and anxiety is a recipe for satisfactory services. This is what having a therapy cat around helps a private investigator in Oklahoma achieve. These cats do not only improve an individual’s mood and life, but they also leave positive ambiance in a working environment. All these positively affects private investigator in Oklahoma City’s approach to work, improving the chance of success.
  • Aids Investigation — In some rare cases, a private investigator in Oklahoma City may use a therapy cat to break an adamant suspect during interrogation. These cats are known to connect with someone’s emotions effectively. This might be the crack a private investigator in Oklahoma explores to break such a suspect. It is an advanced investigation technique that has to do with psychology tricks, and only experienced private investigators in Oklahoma City can pull it off successfully.


Feline companions are generally beneficial to human well-being and mental health. This is why having therapy cats at a private investigation agency in OKC greatly improves the overall work efficiency and mental state of the private investigators in OKC under such an agency.

Hence, every independent private investigator in Oklahoma or private investigator in Oklahoma under any private investigation agency in Oklahoma should have a therapy cat to improve general well-being and lifestyle.

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